Thursday, September 6, 2012

Stepfamily Inclusiveness

What do you see as the most important concept for step-families to address or incorporate to build strong family relationships?

Inclusivity - inclusion vs. exclusion! This has to be intentional. Step-relationship development is complicated and is being done with people you don’t know very well, love, or sometimes even like. It also will include personal responsibility regarding owning your own attitudes and behavior. It can be a wonderful place for personal growth and maturity. Lastly it will include educating yourself regarding the new stepfamily territory you are entering. Then you know what your new “normal” is and realize the obstacles you will encounter and a productive way to handle them. As one person said, “We are no longer surprised by the surprises!”

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About Me

Carri is a documentary film producer and communication skills trainer. She and her husband speak nationally on relationships, communication and stepfamily development.